Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back in motion

Well, it's been a little bit...I kind of slacked off after September when I realized I'd already logged at least 35 different organizations/charity events and I still had the whole of the holidays looming ahead. I might actually make it 50 volunteer episodes in my 40th year!

Anyway, got a two-fer on Saturday, Nov. 7. I helped out at the Animal Lifeline of Iowa's annual auction ( and I made a few purchases. Actually got quite a bit of holiday shopping done.

Also, recruited a couple people to fill up the back my car with donations for Pet Project Midwest. It's a new venture started by a past acquaintance and a good friend of mine at work. The group started out by kicking off with an Iowa Pet Alert using Twitter an amber alert type manner. The thoughts grew into offering extended space in the form of foster homes for overcrowded shelters. Transportation to help pets get from one shelter to their final destination is another service. They are also going to stock the Pet Pantry to help those families facing hardship. (Pets are often given up when a family is running out of money or has to move to place that doesn't allow pets.) The Pet Pantry is evolving and it might also provide items for adopted pets resettling in their new home. There's no website yet -- that's coming in January. Meanwhile, they are on Facebook.

And, last but not least, the first of the food drives has kicked off in my office. We'll be helping out Combat Hunger ( again this year. I started it a week early and have been really surprised at how well people are "remembering" to bring items in. We've already got one full box and another week yet to go.

Until the next time!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Feed the world

Tomorrow, a group of us from my office will be taking a couple hours to package up meals to be shipped all around the world with the weeklong project Meals from the Heartland (

We did this last year and as a team we packaged something like 12,000 meals. Each little baggie is cited to be four meals. Although by American standards it looks to be two. Aside from the extra vitamin tab that's thrown in, it looks quite similar to many of my quick fix meals - rice, soy protein and dehydrated vegetables. Of course, mine tends to be tastier as I add lots of different spices, but if a person only gets one meal a day then I suppose spicing it up doesn't really matter.
I'm coming into the home stretch as far as numbering 40 charities/events - and there's still almost 4 months til the end of the year. A lot of people I told about this idea/project have reacted as though it was un-doable or just plain crazy, but it's been really easy and enjoyable. I have a new appreciation for things like Iowa Public Television, the effort it takes to put on a fundraising walk and how something as little as a notepad and crayons can make such a big difference.
I have also discovered a new "hobby". With my "big" contribution (adopting my three-legged dog, Pony), I have an idea I hope to flesh out. Pony and I are currently in Canine Good Citizen classes with hopes of taking the therapy dog certification test in October. I hope to continue on with that interest by enrolling in Animal Behavior College and possibly, over the course of the coming years, train and get a couple of companion/service dogs out to some really deserving disabled folks. That will be a while to come but it's a new side path and that's always exciting.
Until next time!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The past three

Well, I did the MDA Lock Up ( and I have to say...I'm not a fan of that type of fundraising. I called a bunch of people and actually got three on the phone - none of whom, after talking to them, could I ask for money.

One had just been to the doctor for carpal tunnell and I learned her mother had died a month earlier. The second regaled me with a story about having to go to the hospital by ambulance and discovered a bad infection in a very personal place plus my mom accidentally backing into another car at the mall. The third was so stressed about her current living arrangement a impending career change...well, there was no way. All told though, I earned about $200 - that's enough for six kids to get a flu vaccine.

Then there was bowling on Saturday. I was totally dreading that. I hate wearing those shoes! Well, I only wore them for one toss and went sock footed the rest of the time. We figured we'd pay our $20 to the Boone County Coalition Against Domestic Violence ( bowl 10 frames and blow out of there. But OH NO...we ended up making it into the finals and finally coming in second place. It was pretty fun though...except when I slipped and bounced on the floor. My hip still hurts.

I also picked up some school supplies to give to a friend to put in a donation drive, but when she showed up Monday to donate them, the drive was over. I suggested giving them to Children and Families of Iowa. (

Also just got the opportunity to help build baskets and work the Claws and Paws Auction for Animal Lifeline ( That event takes place Nov. 7 at the Hotel Ft. Des Moines. (Finally I'll get to unload the silent auction item I "purchased". (I made the purchase but got the wrong basket.)

Until next time!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Come and gone

Well the birthday came and went but not without a few surprises. First, my younger brother informed me two days prior to the event that no one would want to go home after the officially end of the party at the Lagniappe, so I pulled together something at my house. Thankfully, the nearby neighbor girl (an entrepreneur at heart) helped me clean up the yard on Friday in exchange for a donation to her spending money while visiting Tennessee a bit later this summer.

Secondly, the weather was unbelievably gorgeous.

And last but not least, Mom arranged for my one of my favorite singers, Tina Haase Findlay, and her husband/guitarist, Brandon ( came and sang a few quick songs before their 8 p.m. show. Too cool!

Oh...and a small, very cook Korean bracelet/gift from Tierney's co-worker, Bo, reminded me that I had donated a bunch of small toys and books for her to take with her on her trip to Korea earlier this spring. She gathered a bunch of people together to take up a collection to deliver to the orphanage where she once was a newborn.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Takin' one for the team - actually two

So a friend of mine who knows about my project emailed the other day saying "If you're still looking for things to do for 40 for 40, a friend of mine is doing a fundraiser to benefit domestic violence prevention." (

Of course I'm all up for that! the's a bowling event (ew, I hate those shoes!) BUT it's being held in Madrid so I can take a swing by the Hindu Temple. Haven't been there since it's been finished.

I also got wrangled into "getting arrested" to raise funds for MDA. That happens on Aug. 13. More info to come on that. Hope I can raise enough money to make bail although the "clink" is being set up at Splash. :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

The big one

Well, this one kind of puts a cap on 40 for 40...and I'm taking it as a two-fer. A few weeks ago, my attention was directed toward a lovely Anatoalian shepherd that had been flown to Des Moines from Texas. He had been found a stray somewhere outside of Ft. Worth and spent some time in a shelter there. His number was up and some employee or volunteer put out a call to no-kill shelters to see if there was someplace he could go to be spared. Des Moines' Animal Lifeline ( said they had space and partnered with Pilots n Paws to transport, Keno (now PonyBoy) here to Iowa. When I saw his picture, I was smitten. A lot of talking with a couple of volunteers from Animal Lifeline and then discovering there was already an application put in to adopt him (the pilot who flew him up here was smitten too) I had to take my chances. Three weeks later, and the big guy is here! We're on our second day and Koda (my dog) is doing really well with it and Keno/Pony is just a mellow love bug. (Oh the reason I'm making this a two-fer...I also donated a bunch of bandages and things that Koda no longer needs and Animal Lifeline can use as they provide shelter for injured, disabled or pregnant dogs.)

So long story that will get longer...happy birthday to me from Keno/Pony!

Secondly, at the bequest of another friend of mine, I went through some of my "summer" clothing and purses and put together two bags to take to the Young Women's Resource Center ( for women who are transitioning from shelter to independent living and looking for work.
I actually took a tally last week...believe it or not...inside of 6 months, I've worked with/for 32 different charities/non-profit events! Only 8 more to go to cap out 40 for 40. ... I might have to rethink it and make it 50 for 40 cause the holidays are always a big volunteer time and that's still many months away.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

When you're hot; you're hot

This weekend ought to be a blistering one. Just perfect weather to spend hours outside volunteering :). On Friday night, I'll be holding down the fort at the Nurture a Student's Vision booth at the Des Moines Arts Festival ( My job will be to help people find the artwork created by specified children.

Sunday, the Miracle League ( has several make-up games due to cancellations because of excessive heat. I kind of doubt the weather is going to back off much until September, but I promised to go help out at 5 p.m.

Managed to make a trip to St. Vincent de Paul's ( to drop off some househould tchotkes. St. Vincent's is one of my favorite places to donate...very easy drop off and they actually offer vouchers to shelter men and women in need of clothing and other amenities.

Last but not least -- and this could be the coolest -- I might be helping out Animal Lifeline of Iowa ( by adopting one of the sweetest dogs, Keno. I met him last week along with Koda and all went well. We're just waiting to see/hear if the pilot who flew Keno up to Iowa from Texas is going to take him home.

Pray for humidity relief!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Picking back up again

Well the Walk Now for Autism ( was a big success (although it was quite chilly in the a.m.) 2,500 walkers and about $157,000 raised. That was kind of a bigger project so I'm looking forward to some smaller ones.

Last night, I raided the toy and trinket aisles at Dollar Tree and got about 20 items (stickers, baby socks, puzzles, balls, etc.) for my sister's friend Bo who is traveling to Korea later this week. She is going and visiting the orphanage that she once lived in and is taking a variety of items for the kids. I know Tierney threw in some coloring books and such.

Saturday is my first day at the new Miracle League baseball park ( I hope I get to be a "buddy" instead of working the concession stand AND that's it's not as humid as it has been.

Only July 2, I'll be going to the Des Moines Symphony Yankee Doodle Pops viewing party ( I went last year as a guest of one of the board members and it was a lot of fun hanging out on the terrace of the State Historical Museum watching fireworks. I'll also be making a donation to the group.

And last but not least, I finally found a hands-on animal group that I can volunteer for...Animal Lifeline of Iowa ( A co-worker and my dentist are both volunteers and they assure me its not depressing and sad. It's a no-kill shelter and some of the pets stay there all their lives. I'm totally in love with this guy tho ( He might have to come home with me.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Volunteering outdoors

Well, the garden didn't get started off so well. All my seeds and little seedlings gave way to weeds. But Tara (garden next to mine) filled me in on how to do it a bit better. Spent about 8 hours last weekend and a few this week and it is up and running. And as one older woman said, "Some people spend $100s on these gardens for $10 worth of produce."

I hit my nephew's last Bam Bam baseball game last weekend and then made my way down to the new Miracle League Ballpark ( to sign up to help out during a few games. That should be a lot of fun.
Meanwhile, I've been sending out press releases for the June 13 Walk Now for Autism ( My office is donating the last 6 months of our internal fundraising money to the Southeast Polk team. We're going to make our fundraising goal! On the other hand, I have yet to figure out a time to be able to volunteer onsite much less do the walk as Koda needs to have a laser in the a.m. Also looking into at least one time to volunteer at the Des Moines Arts Festival ( I'm thinking either monitoring the Sculpture Park or Nurturing a Student's Vision. This year's festival has a lot of interactive stuff going on. Very hands on.
And one last thing...I'm going to add this to the 40 for 40 list even though it's a bit indirect. My next door neighbor endured about 3 months of hell -- his wife walked out and took everything with her and about 6 weeks later his father, though ill, died unexpectedly. (The divorce thing is still going on and grieving takes awhile.) Anyway, after 3.5 years of living there actually talked to him more than an occasional hello. He was really bumming -- feeling lost and hopeless about what to do with his time and how to develop a new social network (and not a virtual one as he is more include to do). We got to talking about one area that I knew had a soft spot ... kids. I mentioned that he should sign up for Big Brothers Big Sisters ( and he lit up! Now, it's one thing to mention it but I've checked back in with him every few days to see how it's going because becoming an approved volunteer with BB/BS is no easy it should be. But he's carried it all the way out. Even had his niece and mom help him in cleaning up the house, fixing up his back yard, etc. He's totally excited and there's something like 300 kids on the BB/BS waiting list in Des Moines alone. He'll be great, he's just eager to get started. AND I think he'll meet some of the other volunteers through the program and voila...some new peer-aged friends too.
I should also mention the Boys and Girls Club to him too. Hmmm...I might have to look into it too. (
Until next time!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Egads! Time flies

It's been almost too long I can't remember where I left off. Well...the Rotary auction wasn't attended as well as we hoped but the fundraising coordinator said they at least broke even on food and drink and everything else would help fund the building of a new Y.

The Hearts for Hope was also well attended with more than 800 women showing up. The speaker was a bit preachy but she got in a few good laughs.

I have been doing the press release blasts for the June 13 Walk Now for Autism. I'll send another next week. Hoping that my office's internal fundraising campaign will assign the past 6 months collection to our Southeast Polk Team.

I'll be donating to my friend Barb's upcoming trip to Panama to outfit those in need with glasses . She's done this several times before and being an avid photographer, she always comes back with more.

Other than that, not much on the horizon but that's OK as I get into the busy "seminar/event" season at work. One other thing I can think of...I may be adopting another dog from the Animal Lifeline of Iowa ( This would happen sometime after my dog's recovery from amputation of her right left leg. Animal Lifeline is a no kill shelter that serves injured or sick pets without a home. There are lots of 3-leggeds down there so since I've already gone through it...and those animals have too, I might as well make use of what I've learned. We'll see.

Monday, May 4, 2009

What a weekend

Last Tuesday I received a late breaking email..."Historic Valley Junction ( needs bartenders for it's Cinco de Mayo celebration" (held on Saturday, May 2).

Well, shoot...I poured beer and beverages for almost 10 years. The shifts were only two hour PLUS I needed to distributed Austism Walks flyers in that area, so I got signed up for noon to 2 p.m.

What a beautiful day to be outside! The weather was perfect. Plus I had "front row" seats to Las Guitarras de Mexico. The crowd started off a bit thin but really started picking up by the end of my shift. And then I toured about putting up 4-5 signs at various, apropos businesses. (I covered Beaverdale the night before.)

Afterward it was a walk in the park with the dog, a stop at Snookies and then digging in the yard.

I covered Pleasant Hill with a few more Autism Walks flyers on Sunday and back to the yard/garden yesterday.

The Hearts for Hope Tea ( is this weekend. I've had 4 of the original 10 already drop out. Hopefully they can fill up my table seats with some other various bodies who registered late.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spring is here

Well, it's been about a week-and-a-half since I planted my organic garden at the Franklin Community Gardens. I have a hardy crop of crab grass and creeping charlie coming up. I was hoping to do some weeding this evening but I have an Autism Walks meeting.

Speaking of, this past Saturday was the kick off for the June 13 walk. Registrants picked up their info packets at Merle Hay Cinema and then were treated to a viewing of "Autism: The Musical" - an HBO documentary that came out of The Miracle Project ( Definitely, spot-on in profiling the diversity of the disability but also demonstrating the finer points that bind this group together. I swear, I don't know how that woman (Elaine Hall) figured out how to get such a performance out of these kids. BTW: One of the kids in the movie is the son of music producer Stephen Stills. I guess Jack Black and one of the kids have a cut coming out on a new CD this summer called, "Fly: Into the World of Autism".

Also this past weekend, I wrapped up my duties/favor to the Waukee Rotary Club. I did most of their print promotional materials for their annual fundraising auction. Not a great turn out, but everything was sold. I got a killer tool set.

This coming weekend...a simple, but fun one...pouring beer at the May 2 Cinco de Mayo celebration in Valley Junction (

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A few more to add to the tally

Well, I made my pledge to Iowa Public Radio and renewed my members to the Autism Speaks as well as the Iowa Chapter. (This weekend - Sat., Apri 25 - is the kick off for the registration of teams for the Walk Now for Autism June 13. I'm on the public relations committee and did press releases and spread them all over the state. The kick off includes sign up but then a showing of a documentary called "Autism: The Musical" BTW: There's still time to register yourself to walk or a team:

This past weekend, a crew of two finished replacing the windows in my house putting a definite dent in my personal carbon footprint. And, my neighbor who has been very involved in ASPCA, requested a donation, so I also supported that.

This coming weekend also includes the Waukee Rotary Auction for which I did all their promotional materials and that will be that until May 9 at the Heart for Hope Tea.

Until then,

Friday, March 27, 2009

Walk Now for Autism...and more

Just a really quick post before my thoughts get too scattered.

I met with the Walk Now for Autism (Iowa Chapter) ( on Monday. What a great group of people...and one gent there was someone I use to wait on back in my bartending days at Thumbs! Our three-person public relations team is meeting on Monday to come up with a plan of attack. Meanwhile on Saturday, my nephew has his fourth birthday and I'll be dropping of flyers and donation cards at Playground for Kids in Ankeny. Hopefully, since so many kids on the autism spectrum often go to "bounce houses" and the like, Playground for Kids will consider a sponsorship for the event. June 13 at Valley High School Stadium in West Des Moines.

I also received my first two installments of a book I am volunteering to help "edit" and give input to. It is on mudras - those meditative finger holds used in yogic practices. Should be interesting!

And this isn't really "volunteer" but I received word that I am signed up for a plot at a community garden near my house. It's 10' x 15' I'm sure, if it's successful, there will be some food donations this summer.

Oh, and last but not least, the Refugee Cooperative Services Global Gala is tonight! Can't bid on anything in the auction but the entertainment should be great! I'm pretty sure one of my faves is going to be there ...the Isiserettes (

Monday, March 23, 2009

Last minute, but what the heck

Last Thursday, Elizabeth with the Refugee Cooperative Services ( put out a desperate plea to get more people to put together two apartment for incoming families, I believe from Iraq. "Putting together apartments" generally involves a team of 2-3 volunteers who meet at the center to pick up towels, linens, pots, pans, dishes, silverware, cleaning supplies and hygiene items and taking them to the family's new home, generally an apartment.

Each member of the family will receive one towel, one pillow, one dish/bowl, one set of utensils, toothbrush, etc. so unless it's a family of 6 or more, putting these items away goes pretty quickly. Then the moving van shows up with box springs, mattresses, dining table and chairs and a couch. We put the beds together and arrange a few other things and that's about it. Took all of about 1 1/2 hours and it's exciting to think about what those folks coming from a refugee camp will think when they walk in that door and actually lay down on a real, comfortable bed. :)

This Friday, my friend Beth and I are going to the refugee center's Global Gala Auction and Benefit. Great music, a little wine, maybe some neat art...I can't wait.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 was a gas

So I drive all the way down to the southwest side to the Des Moines Parks and Recreation Greenhouse for the Transplant the Tropics project ( and I am briefed by Steve, another volunteer, about how to take tiny dusty millers apart from long rows and replant them into a bit larger plastic bins. I ponder aloud wondering if my dusty millers will come back from last year and another volunteer, Mallita (I think), says she doesn't know but she thinks they are annuals. "Ah well," I say, "they probably died from my dog peeing on them."

A fourth volunteer at our table then asks, "Do you live on Adams?"

"I do," I reply, wait a few beats wondering how she would know that and then ask.

Turns out, the woman, Renate, is my next door neighbor. After 4 years of occasionally seeing her from a distance, we actually finally meet at a greenhouse 10 miles from our homes. Crazy, huh!

The two hour stint went by quickly and I had a pretty fun group. The project continues through early May and it looks like there's plenty of work to do. It was super warm outside that day and even warmer in the greenhouse plus the atmosphere was beautiful. We got to walk around and look at all the other plants that will be going in pots around downtown and along boulevards and street side. I got a few ideas for some plants that I'll be looking for to put in pots in my back yard.

Turns out that I actually got paid a moratorium for the Iowa Arts Council ( grant application review, so that kind of makes it not volunteer. So, I decided I'd use the $100 I got to renew my membership with the Des Moines Art Center ( and Iowa Public Radio ( Seems a fair trade!

Last night I started a little early spring cleaning and went through my books and CDs to donate to the Planned Parenthood Spring Book Sale March 26-30 ( It's nice to lighten my load and help out at the same time. Problem is...I already picked up another 5-6 CDs last weekend and will more than like fill out more books in the near future. Oh well.

I'm hoping I can drop off those books and CDs tonight on my way to an orientation meeting for the Hearts for Hope Women's Tea (

Then I'm "off" for a few days and I'm actually going to treat myself to a spring vacation and go to a salon and get a detox body wrap. Never had that done.

Until next week...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Grant reviewing is interesting!

Well, I spent all day Wednesday reading a total of 22 grant applications submitted by artists and groups and educators. The grant program is through the Iowa Arts Council ( It was quite illuminating! There's a lot more going on out there than I thought. I only recognized one or two names involved with any of those projects. And, I got a really good idea about how to do/write grant applications -- it could come in handy sometime. After a panel of 3 of us all reviewed the applications (which they do about once a month), we have another half day of discussion and the grants are rated numerically based on the numbers we assign them and then averaged. The council then goes back and does a bit more statistical analysis, drafts up some encouraging and also helpful notes to the grant author and those at the top of the list will get the funds requested until the money runs out.

Then, today I received an email from a group I belong to - Iowa Outdoors Unlimited ( and there was a notice seeking volunteer land stewards for the Whiterock Conservancy ( I know this area because my mom has told me about it and it is nearby (Coon Rapids) but I have yet to get there. Essentially, a volunteer land steward commits to visiting a specified area of the 4300 acre land trust at least four times a year hiking around and gathering "indispensable information relating to the protection and health of the land." And get this...I can take Koda (my dog) with me! AND I also get a free education in conservation and habitat restoration. How cool is that! I'll have to take photos. Orientation takes place June 13 so it should be really interesting to get pictures of all the different seasons. (OOOO I think I know what I'll use for a holiday card in 2010.)

A little more on the Whiterock was previously known as the Garst Farm Resort. The Garsts still maintain the land but have turned the area into a nonprofit land trust dedicated to "conserving and protecting Iowa’s natural resources, demonstrating sustainable rural land management, and engaging the public with the environment through outdoor recreation and education."

I also thankfully remembered to send in a check for the Global Gala for the Refugee Cooperative Services fundraiser on March 27.

Oh, and I want to add...I'm also using some of my marketing/graphic design skills to help out another good friend with her position in a chapter very well-known national organization, but that one will remain a bit of a secret for now.

That's all for now. I'll check in next week with news on "Transplanting the Tropics" or in other words, prepping flowers for Des Moines Parks & Rec community beautification.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Better than expected

Well, I went to IPTV on Sunday afternoon and was in such a rush I forgot to get my seat belt on. Fortunately the officer who stopped me was empathetic and let me go right away with just a warning.

And I was reticent at first regarding my volunteering as a phone answerer during IPTV's Festival Fundraiser (, mostly because when I saw the shifts were 6 and 7 hours, I thought, "Crimanetly, I better be able to bring a book." I turned on the channel and watched for a bit and I just saw people sitting at the phones waiting patiently, no one was doing anything else and I thought, "OMG, I'm gonna be bored out of my skull."

On the contrary, volunteers are only at the phones for about 15 minutes, then the station returns to programming and you are free to do whatever. Fortunately, I took along another project -- the separating of pin and backing for the Iowa Donor Network (

Anyway, volunteering for IPTV was my mom's suggestion, and true to form, she was the first one to call in on the 4-10 shift. A woman two seats down answered and, again true to form, my mom asked if she could talk to me. (If I were 14, I probably would have died of embarassment. Instead, the woman and I swapped seats and the other 25 volunteers or so, yucked it up for the rest of the night about it.)

I took quite a few calls, one even calling from Omaha. And because of the programming schedule, I was reminded of how much I like John Denver. Might have to get that CD they were touting.

The other unexpected I was doing the Iowa Donor pins, several other volunteers stopped by and I explained what I was doing and one gent, Norm Carlson a medical tech and there representing Sons of Norway, suggested I look into volunteering at Blank Children's Hospital or Amanda the Panda.

Not clear on what Amanda the Panda was, I looked it up on Google. (No, I didn't not google it because technically that's not a word ;P) WOW, how fitting! The organization is dedicated to helping grieving children and family members following the death of a family member. (I say it is fitting because as a child, my family lost my older brother Chris at the age of 7.)

So, I filled out the online volunteer form and within the day heard from the director. I'll be meeting with her and a couple of marketing interns on Friday, April 3 to discuss how I can help in spreading the word about the group and possibly helping out on a couple of events.

More later!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

March will really get me going

Wow! This volunteer thing has really picked up. Finally almost complete with the bios for the Iowa Women's Foundation and then need to work on a short history for their Web site, It was good to see my dear friend Linda just last week.

This Sunday, I make good on my mom's request. I'll be answering phones from 4 to 10 p.m. at the Iowa Public Television ( fund drive.

Wednesday and Thursday, March 11-12 I'll be taking two days off and working on reviewing Iowa Arts Council ( mini-grant applications. We'll only be working 1/2 the day on Thursday so I'm hoping the nice weather sticks around.

I'm currently doing an inner-office collection of old cell phones and printer cartridges to drop off at the Petco in Clive. This, in some way I'm not quite sure, is part of the Raccoon Valley Animal Society ( spring donation drive. They are calling it their St. Patrick's Day Going Green Drive. They are also taking soda cans and plastic recyclable bottles at both Des Moines Petco locations.

Sunday, March 15 I get an early taste of spring working in the Des Moines Parks and Recreation greenhouse for Transplant the Tropics ( The program has volunteers prep flowers and plants for transplant in public places throughout the city. So excited to see my own flowers grow. Maybe I'll learn a little something too.

The evening of March 18 I have an orientation about being a table host for the Hearts for Hope Women's Tea ( I volunteered to host a table and round up 10 other women for a luncheon and presentation and hopefully raise a few bucks for the Hope Family Center. I'm also suggesting that my guests bring women's hygiene products as I know the center is in constant need of such items.

On Tuesday, March 24 I have my first meeting with the committee planning the June 13 Walk Now for Austism ( I'll be helping out with marketing and public relations. (I also emailed all Iowa senators and representatives asking that they support the autism insurance reform legislation currently on the state's agenda.)

And finally, last but not least, Friday, March 27 -- this should be fun -- is the Refugee Cooperative Services Global Gala. Tapas, beverages, cultural entertainment and an auction...can't wait. Anyone can go. It runs from 7 to 11 p.m. and takes place at 601 Grand Ave. in Des Moines. Cost is $50/person. Sorry no web site.

Oh and I should mention, with a portion of my tax refund, I will be honoring my friend Patti's request and "doing" something for the Hospice of Ottumwa, Iowa ( They took very good care of her dear mother when she needed it so I will be making a donation in her honor.

Well, that kind of puts a pretty good dent in 40 for 40. This post alone is at least 9 and I think all total, I'm up to 12 -- keep in mind, I'm counting events as opposed to organizations...there are bound to be repeats like the animal society or Hope Ministries, etc.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Here's one for spring

Been a while since I blogged because I was up to my knuckles in paint. Living room is finally done.

So I read this in one of those old-fashioned things we call newspapers and I'm so excited about this next addition to 40 for 40 cause it has to do with flowers. You know all that green space with the lovely colorful flowers the City of Des Moines puts between busy road ways and down town? Well, the operate a greenhouse during the winter and in the spring volunteers come in and help transplant the plants to be taken out and beautify our city. So in the middle of March I'll already be singing spring. The program continues through May and there are weekday and weekend shifts. For more info on the program, log on to; email or call 208-0277. Check back for some colorful photos.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tea for Hope

OK...homelessness is definitely not something to toast to and it surely isn't a topic regularly discussed over ladies' luncheons and tea but hold on to your hats 'cause Hope Ministries is changing all that.

On May 9, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the West Des Moines Sheraton, Hope Ministries is hosting its sixth annual Hearts for Hope Women's Tea and Luncheon. (
Along with tea and lunch, a presentation will be given by Mary Kay Mueller. Mary Kay is an author, performer and winner of the Heartland Hero Award. Once a victim of abuse, Mueller spent time in a domestic violence shelter, but out of her despair learned life-changing insights she now shares with thousands around the world. Mueller brings her strong faith and wisdom to every presentation! Her first book, Taking Care of Me: The Habits of Happiness discuss challenges that made her "not bitter, but better." In addition to her presentation at the Hearts for Hope Women's Tea, Mueller will perform selections from her award winning music CD.

I will be "sponsoring" a table and already have a few people down to sit with me, learn about the plight of homeless women and hopefully raise a few bucks for the the organization's Hope Family Center, a long-term residential and life recovery center for homeless mothers and children

Last year, the event brought in over 650 women and raised more than $113,000 in support of the women and children at our Hope Family Center.

If you want a seat at my table, drop me an email or if you want to host a table too (it's free) contact Melissa Tagg, event coordinator, at (515) 265-7272, ext. 104, or

Hearts for Paws

Well, this past weekend I spent a couple hours making little Valentine's cards to send to dog owners who keep their pets on leashes. Customers at PetCo paid a $1 to sponsor a card to be sent to pet owners on a database kept by

It was also an awareness-raiser for the work that the Raccoon Valley Animal Sanctuary does (

Overall, this is an issue that strikes really close to my heart as it's just A.) not right and B.) there are 2-3 pet owners in my neighborhood who treat their dogs in this manner. I took the liberty of anonymously giving their addresses to Dogs Deserve Better and hope that they will receive a Valentine card that encourages them to bring their furry friend inside, at least in harsh weather.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Really excited about this one

A few years ago, I met a very dynamic young woman by the name of Staci Nevinski. I knew she was destined for big things. Today she is working with the Iowa Art Council ( as the grants panel manager. The other day I received IAC's monthly newsletter and noticed that they were seeking volunteers for a variety of oppsortunities. I sent in my application indicating a few different interests and I was asked to devote 1 1/2 days to reviewing mini grant applications! I can't wait to see what some of Iowa's great creative minds have come up with. Plus, I'll get a better insight on grant writing. (I've only done a couple capital campaign pieces but grant writing is a whole 'nother ball game.)
Thanks Staci!

And, oh yeah...I'm sure they could use a few other arts' oriented folks too. See below for details:

Becoming a Panelist for IAC is Easy...and Important!
Every year the Iowa Arts Council uses many different panels for arts roster reviews, grant reviews, and programming advice. IAC maintains a pool of potential panelists so they can easily assemble panels of qualified and interested people. Are you interested? There is no obligation or guarantee that you will serve just by having your name in the pool, but it lets us know you are interested.

IAC staff would contact you regarding participation on a particular panel approximately 1-3 months in advance of any given panel review.
Panel advice and counsel is central to government support of the arts and culture. IAC relies on individuals reflecting a broad range of experience to bring a spectrum of knowledge and experience to application review and our programming. We need reviewers who are artists of every discipline, who work in schools and arts organizations, and who just want to bring their administrative or programming expertise to the arts in Iowa. Some panels include a mix of Iowans and people from other states. Previous panelists have mentioned they found the experience professionally rewarding and that it was enormously beneficial to their own grant writing.

Click here for descriptions of each panel that draws from the panelist pool, and a panelist profile form. Please read the panel descriptions before filling out the profile.
To join the pool, save the panelist profile form, fill it out, and click on the "submit by email" button at the top of the form, or save it and attach it to an email to Profiles are accepted year round, but to be considered for being a panelist for the April 2009 Major Grant review or May 2009 Iowa Community Cultural review, we will need your profile by February 13, 2009.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Plugging along

Well, this was a busy weekend. Went to a lovely art exhibit opening (and bought a small print). The younger brother had his 30th birthday back in our hometown on Saturday. And I had an afternoon full of shoveling and errands to run so I didn't get a lot of time to press on with my project. I did get a few more of the Iowa Donor Network's pins done.

Today, I just ran across this...Making Valentine's Day Cards for Dogs, Saturday, Feb. 7, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Coordinated by Raccoon Valley Animal Shelter ( and Dogs Deserve Better, the card making event works to liberate dogs who live their lives tied up to the end of a chain or rope. I'll be working at the PetCo on Buffalo Road in Clive from 1-3 p.m. Come get a great card and if you're brave enough, see what it feels like to be be chained for a while.

With more snow on the way, I'm sure I'll make some more headway on the pins.
s'all for now,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MLK Day of Service

Of course, I had to participate in some way to mark such a significant day, only made more significant by the following Day for the much-esteemed Barack Obama. So exciting.

Anyway, yesterday my charity of choice was the Des Moines Area Religious Council ( held a food drive at the State Historical Building before leading a march to the capital. As you can see below, I cleaned out a bit of my pantry and handed over the goods to Nate Baggett (right) and Scot Syroka (left) who were volunteering their time on behalf of ... doh, I didn't quite get the name of the organization. It was something to do with the presidential campaign.

Anyway, I got on the scene about 7:25 and the food drive had started at 7 p.m. By the time I got there, they'd already filled the beds of two trucks with 60 boxes of food!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Number two and possibly three

Really cookin' on 40 for 40. I just finished making some "tickets" for a fund-raising wine tasting event to benefit Waukee Rotary ( My friend Wendy is on the board as chair of fund-raising.

I also met a new friend today, arranged by my old friend and mentor, Linda Schreiber. New friend is Jeni Hanselman and other than being a mom and working at WB Capital Management, she has long been involved in Iowa Women's Foundation ( Iowa Women's Foundation is the only statewide grant giving group designated to improve the lives of Iowa women and girls through the power of philanthropy, advocacy and collaboration.

Jeni and Linda have both been board members for many years. Over lunch, Jeni was telling me that IWF has a great following over in the eastern part of Iowa and has allocated a lot of their funds to far western Iowa but knowledge of the group and their mission is not well-known throughout the central area. That's one area I will be helping with. By the way, they are looking for additional board members. :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


For quite sometime I volunteered with Lutheran Social Services of Iowa's Refugee Cooperative Center. I took some time to teach ESL classes and then mentored a family from Tanzania. I still assist in doing some donation drives and just learned of a special drive they are doing in commemoration of the great Martin Luther King. See the flyer below.

As part of my 40 for 40...I will offer up my services this weekend to come and pick up anything you might want to contribute. Either email or call me or post a comment if you would like me to pick anything that you might think would serve these families.

This week alone a family of 4 with two sons ages 2 and 3 and a grandmother and granddaughter all from Iraq will be relocating to Iowa. Folks at the center estimate that upwards of 50 families or more will be making Iowa their new home this year.

Visit them here:

Donation Drive
Lutheran Services in Iowa
Refugee Cooperative Services
January 19, 2009
3200 University Ave

Refugee Cooperative Services is in need of items for apartment set-ups of newly arriving refugee families. You can drop off donated items at the refugee community center and enjoy a treat while learning more about RCS and our volunteer opportunities. You may drop off items anytime between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
There will also be an apartment set up taking place at 12:00 and other volunteers will be helping to clean and organize the community center.

Items needed include:
-liquid laundry detergent -razors
-laundry baskets -brooms
-pots, pans, teapots -landline telephones
-vegetable peelers -alarm clocks
-deodarant -garbage bags

If you have any questions please contact Ross or Jillian at 515-271-7332

Monday, January 12, 2009

First one down

Last night I picked up a box of pins from my friend Meg who works with Iowa Donor Network These pins need to be "undone" and then returned to IDN which is a pretty easy task considering it can be done in front of the television, however it is time consuming so I was glad to have the opportunity to help out such an important program.

Additionally, I came across this:
Cans for Kids is a can and bottle drive, with all proceeds being used to pay for ingredients for Kids Against Hunger of Des Moines. Recyclable cans and bottles that qualify for a deposit refund in the state of Iowa are being collected at Holmes Automotive Group at I-80/35 and Hickman Road. The bin will remain there indefinitely to help raise funds for meal ingredients. For each bottle or can we sort we get 5 cents per can, which all goes to Kids Against Hunger of Des Moines. In 2008 we raised $7,000, which is 28,000 meals to help starving children.

I know a lot of folks who let their bottles and cans pile up in their garage and I will gladly offer my time and car to come and take them away for you. Just let me know!

Oh, and I got my "application" from Iowa Public Television to assist in their spring fund drive.

Monday, January 5, 2009

In just one day...

Hi all,
In just a matter of one day and about 25 emails, I have four possible charities...all so varied and very personal. First, my mom suggested volunteering during the Iowa Public Television fundraiser telethon because as she puts it "...IPTV is catnip for the brain." Check it out,

"Purrrfect!" I thought. "I had been meaning to check that out."

Then a friend who has personally witnessed how unbelievable Hospice programs are suggested the Iowa Hospice-Ottumwa I'm hoping there is a weekend day event I can volunteer at or perhaps write something for their newsletter or press release.

Another dear friend living up north who recently rediscovered yoga told me about a school for girls in India that she has learned of through her "ashram". I have yet to get the details about the school but one thing I know I can do is something I read about in the book "Eat, Pray, Love". There is a theory that when practicing your daily yoga routine you dedicate that time and energy to a certain specified thing...your baby nephew, world peace, your dog...whatever. I can work that one in but once I find out more details about the school, I'll be checking in with them and post about the school here for you too.

Anyone else?? Anyone?

OH...another one just came in from my dear friend and mentor Linda Schreiber...the Iowa Women's Can't wait to hear from them!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

40 for 40

Well, the holidays have passed but instead of being blue, I am completely excited and commited to a "new year resolution." My mom (so kindly) brought up that this year will be a milemarker year with both my younger brother turning 30 and myself turning 40.

Meh...I said to 40. I've been telling people I was 40 for the past two years (mostly to get used to the concept of saying so and also to elicit comments such as "Wow, you're 40?!")

Well, now the time is here...I will be 40. So, in celebration of my 40 years on this earth, and in celebration of all the fantastic people I have met and befriended, AND in celebration of all that is yet to come, here is my birthday wish...

I will commit to supporting/contributing/donating to 40 different charities (ideally by Aug. 1 -aka date of birth) and keeping up a weekly journal-blog of my "adventures". My hope is to spread karma-ic wealth, get to know some of you even better and also expand my friend database to invite to the August celebration.

What I am asking of you, my dear family and friends
a.) think of one or two organizations or civic charities that you are personally endowed to -- whether local to Des Moines or other city, or one that is national or international that I might be able to contribute time or funds to
b.) let me know contact information or how you think I might contact the organization to volunteer/donate in your honor/friendship
c.) you have to contribute your thoughts prior to party planning...and trust me you don't want to miss Lagniappe's back deck in late summer OR the opportunity help the organization of your choice.

Oddly enough, I can not wait to turn 40.

Hoping to post updates weekly. Stay tuned.