Tuesday, January 13, 2009


For quite sometime I volunteered with Lutheran Social Services of Iowa's Refugee Cooperative Center. I took some time to teach ESL classes and then mentored a family from Tanzania. I still assist in doing some donation drives and just learned of a special drive they are doing in commemoration of the great Martin Luther King. See the flyer below.

As part of my 40 for 40...I will offer up my services this weekend to come and pick up anything you might want to contribute. Either email or call me or post a comment if you would like me to pick anything that you might think would serve these families.

This week alone a family of 4 with two sons ages 2 and 3 and a grandmother and granddaughter all from Iraq will be relocating to Iowa. Folks at the center estimate that upwards of 50 families or more will be making Iowa their new home this year.

Visit them here: http://www.lsiowa.org/refugee_resettlement.asp

Donation Drive
Lutheran Services in Iowa
Refugee Cooperative Services
January 19, 2009
3200 University Ave

Refugee Cooperative Services is in need of items for apartment set-ups of newly arriving refugee families. You can drop off donated items at the refugee community center and enjoy a treat while learning more about RCS and our volunteer opportunities. You may drop off items anytime between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
There will also be an apartment set up taking place at 12:00 and other volunteers will be helping to clean and organize the community center.

Items needed include:
-liquid laundry detergent -razors
-laundry baskets -brooms
-pots, pans, teapots -landline telephones
-vegetable peelers -alarm clocks
-deodarant -garbage bags

If you have any questions please contact Ross or Jillian at 515-271-7332

1 comment:

  1. Helping Sarah with her very cool 40 for 40 project: On Friday, March 27th Refugee Cooperative Services at Lutheran Services in Iowa will host a fundraiser - Global Gala. Proceeds will help to support newly arrived refugee families start their lives in Des Moines. This year, we anticipate resettling approximately 400 men, women, and children from countries like Iraq, Burma, Bhutan, Somalia, and Burundi. These families have fled war-torn situations overseas and have come to the United States to live free and peaceful lives. For more information on the event, or to donate an item for our live and silent auction contact Jill Stuecker at jill.stuecker@lsiowa.org or 515-271-7418. Our event will be held at the Catholic Charities Pastoral Center at 601 Grand Avenue from 7 - 11pm and will include live refugee entertainment!
