Thursday, March 5, 2009

March will really get me going

Wow! This volunteer thing has really picked up. Finally almost complete with the bios for the Iowa Women's Foundation and then need to work on a short history for their Web site, It was good to see my dear friend Linda just last week.

This Sunday, I make good on my mom's request. I'll be answering phones from 4 to 10 p.m. at the Iowa Public Television ( fund drive.

Wednesday and Thursday, March 11-12 I'll be taking two days off and working on reviewing Iowa Arts Council ( mini-grant applications. We'll only be working 1/2 the day on Thursday so I'm hoping the nice weather sticks around.

I'm currently doing an inner-office collection of old cell phones and printer cartridges to drop off at the Petco in Clive. This, in some way I'm not quite sure, is part of the Raccoon Valley Animal Society ( spring donation drive. They are calling it their St. Patrick's Day Going Green Drive. They are also taking soda cans and plastic recyclable bottles at both Des Moines Petco locations.

Sunday, March 15 I get an early taste of spring working in the Des Moines Parks and Recreation greenhouse for Transplant the Tropics ( The program has volunteers prep flowers and plants for transplant in public places throughout the city. So excited to see my own flowers grow. Maybe I'll learn a little something too.

The evening of March 18 I have an orientation about being a table host for the Hearts for Hope Women's Tea ( I volunteered to host a table and round up 10 other women for a luncheon and presentation and hopefully raise a few bucks for the Hope Family Center. I'm also suggesting that my guests bring women's hygiene products as I know the center is in constant need of such items.

On Tuesday, March 24 I have my first meeting with the committee planning the June 13 Walk Now for Austism ( I'll be helping out with marketing and public relations. (I also emailed all Iowa senators and representatives asking that they support the autism insurance reform legislation currently on the state's agenda.)

And finally, last but not least, Friday, March 27 -- this should be fun -- is the Refugee Cooperative Services Global Gala. Tapas, beverages, cultural entertainment and an auction...can't wait. Anyone can go. It runs from 7 to 11 p.m. and takes place at 601 Grand Ave. in Des Moines. Cost is $50/person. Sorry no web site.

Oh and I should mention, with a portion of my tax refund, I will be honoring my friend Patti's request and "doing" something for the Hospice of Ottumwa, Iowa ( They took very good care of her dear mother when she needed it so I will be making a donation in her honor.

Well, that kind of puts a pretty good dent in 40 for 40. This post alone is at least 9 and I think all total, I'm up to 12 -- keep in mind, I'm counting events as opposed to organizations...there are bound to be repeats like the animal society or Hope Ministries, etc.

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