Monday, May 4, 2009

What a weekend

Last Tuesday I received a late breaking email..."Historic Valley Junction ( needs bartenders for it's Cinco de Mayo celebration" (held on Saturday, May 2).

Well, shoot...I poured beer and beverages for almost 10 years. The shifts were only two hour PLUS I needed to distributed Austism Walks flyers in that area, so I got signed up for noon to 2 p.m.

What a beautiful day to be outside! The weather was perfect. Plus I had "front row" seats to Las Guitarras de Mexico. The crowd started off a bit thin but really started picking up by the end of my shift. And then I toured about putting up 4-5 signs at various, apropos businesses. (I covered Beaverdale the night before.)

Afterward it was a walk in the park with the dog, a stop at Snookies and then digging in the yard.

I covered Pleasant Hill with a few more Autism Walks flyers on Sunday and back to the yard/garden yesterday.

The Hearts for Hope Tea ( is this weekend. I've had 4 of the original 10 already drop out. Hopefully they can fill up my table seats with some other various bodies who registered late.

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