Thursday, May 28, 2009

Egads! Time flies

It's been almost too long I can't remember where I left off. Well...the Rotary auction wasn't attended as well as we hoped but the fundraising coordinator said they at least broke even on food and drink and everything else would help fund the building of a new Y.

The Hearts for Hope was also well attended with more than 800 women showing up. The speaker was a bit preachy but she got in a few good laughs.

I have been doing the press release blasts for the June 13 Walk Now for Autism. I'll send another next week. Hoping that my office's internal fundraising campaign will assign the past 6 months collection to our Southeast Polk Team.

I'll be donating to my friend Barb's upcoming trip to Panama to outfit those in need with glasses . She's done this several times before and being an avid photographer, she always comes back with more.

Other than that, not much on the horizon but that's OK as I get into the busy "seminar/event" season at work. One other thing I can think of...I may be adopting another dog from the Animal Lifeline of Iowa ( This would happen sometime after my dog's recovery from amputation of her right left leg. Animal Lifeline is a no kill shelter that serves injured or sick pets without a home. There are lots of 3-leggeds down there so since I've already gone through it...and those animals have too, I might as well make use of what I've learned. We'll see.

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