Sunday, January 4, 2009

40 for 40

Well, the holidays have passed but instead of being blue, I am completely excited and commited to a "new year resolution." My mom (so kindly) brought up that this year will be a milemarker year with both my younger brother turning 30 and myself turning 40.

Meh...I said to 40. I've been telling people I was 40 for the past two years (mostly to get used to the concept of saying so and also to elicit comments such as "Wow, you're 40?!")

Well, now the time is here...I will be 40. So, in celebration of my 40 years on this earth, and in celebration of all the fantastic people I have met and befriended, AND in celebration of all that is yet to come, here is my birthday wish...

I will commit to supporting/contributing/donating to 40 different charities (ideally by Aug. 1 -aka date of birth) and keeping up a weekly journal-blog of my "adventures". My hope is to spread karma-ic wealth, get to know some of you even better and also expand my friend database to invite to the August celebration.

What I am asking of you, my dear family and friends
a.) think of one or two organizations or civic charities that you are personally endowed to -- whether local to Des Moines or other city, or one that is national or international that I might be able to contribute time or funds to
b.) let me know contact information or how you think I might contact the organization to volunteer/donate in your honor/friendship
c.) you have to contribute your thoughts prior to party planning...and trust me you don't want to miss Lagniappe's back deck in late summer OR the opportunity help the organization of your choice.

Oddly enough, I can not wait to turn 40.

Hoping to post updates weekly. Stay tuned.


  1. awesome blog. i would like to do a blog one day.
    but, i will be reading yours my dear friend.

    40, i would have agrued with you about that! :)

  2. What a puuuurrrfectly pedigreed 40 year old you will be.
    I am so prouuuuud!
    I, personally have planned to give monies to Iowa Public TV/PBS
    I have not as yet. If you will sign up to be part of their fund raiser pledge night I will call and ask for Sarah and make a donation.
    I think of PBS as catnip for the mind.
