Friday, March 27, 2009

Walk Now for Autism...and more

Just a really quick post before my thoughts get too scattered.

I met with the Walk Now for Autism (Iowa Chapter) ( on Monday. What a great group of people...and one gent there was someone I use to wait on back in my bartending days at Thumbs! Our three-person public relations team is meeting on Monday to come up with a plan of attack. Meanwhile on Saturday, my nephew has his fourth birthday and I'll be dropping of flyers and donation cards at Playground for Kids in Ankeny. Hopefully, since so many kids on the autism spectrum often go to "bounce houses" and the like, Playground for Kids will consider a sponsorship for the event. June 13 at Valley High School Stadium in West Des Moines.

I also received my first two installments of a book I am volunteering to help "edit" and give input to. It is on mudras - those meditative finger holds used in yogic practices. Should be interesting!

And this isn't really "volunteer" but I received word that I am signed up for a plot at a community garden near my house. It's 10' x 15' I'm sure, if it's successful, there will be some food donations this summer.

Oh, and last but not least, the Refugee Cooperative Services Global Gala is tonight! Can't bid on anything in the auction but the entertainment should be great! I'm pretty sure one of my faves is going to be there ...the Isiserettes (

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