Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Come and gone

Well the birthday came and went but not without a few surprises. First, my younger brother informed me two days prior to the event that no one would want to go home after the officially end of the party at the Lagniappe, so I pulled together something at my house. Thankfully, the nearby neighbor girl (an entrepreneur at heart) helped me clean up the yard on Friday in exchange for a donation to her spending money while visiting Tennessee a bit later this summer.

Secondly, the weather was unbelievably gorgeous.

And last but not least, Mom arranged for my one of my favorite singers, Tina Haase Findlay, and her husband/guitarist, Brandon ( came and sang a few quick songs before their 8 p.m. show. Too cool!

Oh...and a small, very cook Korean bracelet/gift from Tierney's co-worker, Bo, reminded me that I had donated a bunch of small toys and books for her to take with her on her trip to Korea earlier this spring. She gathered a bunch of people together to take up a collection to deliver to the orphanage where she once was a newborn.

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