Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hearts for Paws

Well, this past weekend I spent a couple hours making little Valentine's cards to send to dog owners who keep their pets on leashes. Customers at PetCo paid a $1 to sponsor a card to be sent to pet owners on a database kept by www.dogsdeservebetter.org.

It was also an awareness-raiser for the work that the Raccoon Valley Animal Sanctuary does (www.raccoonvalley.org).

Overall, this is an issue that strikes really close to my heart as it's just A.) not right and B.) there are 2-3 pet owners in my neighborhood who treat their dogs in this manner. I took the liberty of anonymously giving their addresses to Dogs Deserve Better and hope that they will receive a Valentine card that encourages them to bring their furry friend inside, at least in harsh weather.

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