Monday, January 5, 2009

In just one day...

Hi all,
In just a matter of one day and about 25 emails, I have four possible charities...all so varied and very personal. First, my mom suggested volunteering during the Iowa Public Television fundraiser telethon because as she puts it "...IPTV is catnip for the brain." Check it out,

"Purrrfect!" I thought. "I had been meaning to check that out."

Then a friend who has personally witnessed how unbelievable Hospice programs are suggested the Iowa Hospice-Ottumwa I'm hoping there is a weekend day event I can volunteer at or perhaps write something for their newsletter or press release.

Another dear friend living up north who recently rediscovered yoga told me about a school for girls in India that she has learned of through her "ashram". I have yet to get the details about the school but one thing I know I can do is something I read about in the book "Eat, Pray, Love". There is a theory that when practicing your daily yoga routine you dedicate that time and energy to a certain specified thing...your baby nephew, world peace, your dog...whatever. I can work that one in but once I find out more details about the school, I'll be checking in with them and post about the school here for you too.

Anyone else?? Anyone?

OH...another one just came in from my dear friend and mentor Linda Schreiber...the Iowa Women's Can't wait to hear from them!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea! Thank you for extending an opportunity to the Iowa Women's Foundation to help you celebrate your 40th year. Here's a about a house party for 40 guests, each pledges to contribute $40 for 4 years in an effort to expand opportunities and invest in the dreams of 40 women and girls.

    Together we can provide support for 40 firsts....perhaps the first female US congress person from Iowa, the first woman governor in Iowa, the first woman astronaut from Iowa, the first girl to believe and achieve her dreams without hearing "a woman can't....."

    Yes we can!

    Let's provide the opportunity to invest in the dreams of girls and the power of women...ask each woman at the party to share her vision of the next girl or woman pioneer...what first would you like to see a girl or woman in Iowa achieve in your lifetime?
