Monday, January 12, 2009

First one down

Last night I picked up a box of pins from my friend Meg who works with Iowa Donor Network These pins need to be "undone" and then returned to IDN which is a pretty easy task considering it can be done in front of the television, however it is time consuming so I was glad to have the opportunity to help out such an important program.

Additionally, I came across this:
Cans for Kids is a can and bottle drive, with all proceeds being used to pay for ingredients for Kids Against Hunger of Des Moines. Recyclable cans and bottles that qualify for a deposit refund in the state of Iowa are being collected at Holmes Automotive Group at I-80/35 and Hickman Road. The bin will remain there indefinitely to help raise funds for meal ingredients. For each bottle or can we sort we get 5 cents per can, which all goes to Kids Against Hunger of Des Moines. In 2008 we raised $7,000, which is 28,000 meals to help starving children.

I know a lot of folks who let their bottles and cans pile up in their garage and I will gladly offer my time and car to come and take them away for you. Just let me know!

Oh, and I got my "application" from Iowa Public Television to assist in their spring fund drive.

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