Thursday, February 5, 2009

Really excited about this one

A few years ago, I met a very dynamic young woman by the name of Staci Nevinski. I knew she was destined for big things. Today she is working with the Iowa Art Council ( as the grants panel manager. The other day I received IAC's monthly newsletter and noticed that they were seeking volunteers for a variety of oppsortunities. I sent in my application indicating a few different interests and I was asked to devote 1 1/2 days to reviewing mini grant applications! I can't wait to see what some of Iowa's great creative minds have come up with. Plus, I'll get a better insight on grant writing. (I've only done a couple capital campaign pieces but grant writing is a whole 'nother ball game.)
Thanks Staci!

And, oh yeah...I'm sure they could use a few other arts' oriented folks too. See below for details:

Becoming a Panelist for IAC is Easy...and Important!
Every year the Iowa Arts Council uses many different panels for arts roster reviews, grant reviews, and programming advice. IAC maintains a pool of potential panelists so they can easily assemble panels of qualified and interested people. Are you interested? There is no obligation or guarantee that you will serve just by having your name in the pool, but it lets us know you are interested.

IAC staff would contact you regarding participation on a particular panel approximately 1-3 months in advance of any given panel review.
Panel advice and counsel is central to government support of the arts and culture. IAC relies on individuals reflecting a broad range of experience to bring a spectrum of knowledge and experience to application review and our programming. We need reviewers who are artists of every discipline, who work in schools and arts organizations, and who just want to bring their administrative or programming expertise to the arts in Iowa. Some panels include a mix of Iowans and people from other states. Previous panelists have mentioned they found the experience professionally rewarding and that it was enormously beneficial to their own grant writing.

Click here for descriptions of each panel that draws from the panelist pool, and a panelist profile form. Please read the panel descriptions before filling out the profile.
To join the pool, save the panelist profile form, fill it out, and click on the "submit by email" button at the top of the form, or save it and attach it to an email to Profiles are accepted year round, but to be considered for being a panelist for the April 2009 Major Grant review or May 2009 Iowa Community Cultural review, we will need your profile by February 13, 2009.

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