Friday, July 3, 2009

The big one

Well, this one kind of puts a cap on 40 for 40...and I'm taking it as a two-fer. A few weeks ago, my attention was directed toward a lovely Anatoalian shepherd that had been flown to Des Moines from Texas. He had been found a stray somewhere outside of Ft. Worth and spent some time in a shelter there. His number was up and some employee or volunteer put out a call to no-kill shelters to see if there was someplace he could go to be spared. Des Moines' Animal Lifeline ( said they had space and partnered with Pilots n Paws to transport, Keno (now PonyBoy) here to Iowa. When I saw his picture, I was smitten. A lot of talking with a couple of volunteers from Animal Lifeline and then discovering there was already an application put in to adopt him (the pilot who flew him up here was smitten too) I had to take my chances. Three weeks later, and the big guy is here! We're on our second day and Koda (my dog) is doing really well with it and Keno/Pony is just a mellow love bug. (Oh the reason I'm making this a two-fer...I also donated a bunch of bandages and things that Koda no longer needs and Animal Lifeline can use as they provide shelter for injured, disabled or pregnant dogs.)

So long story that will get longer...happy birthday to me from Keno/Pony!

Secondly, at the bequest of another friend of mine, I went through some of my "summer" clothing and purses and put together two bags to take to the Young Women's Resource Center ( for women who are transitioning from shelter to independent living and looking for work.
I actually took a tally last week...believe it or not...inside of 6 months, I've worked with/for 32 different charities/non-profit events! Only 8 more to go to cap out 40 for 40. ... I might have to rethink it and make it 50 for 40 cause the holidays are always a big volunteer time and that's still many months away.

1 comment:

  1. He looks like such a sophisticated gentleman in this photo!
