Monday, March 23, 2009

Last minute, but what the heck

Last Thursday, Elizabeth with the Refugee Cooperative Services ( put out a desperate plea to get more people to put together two apartment for incoming families, I believe from Iraq. "Putting together apartments" generally involves a team of 2-3 volunteers who meet at the center to pick up towels, linens, pots, pans, dishes, silverware, cleaning supplies and hygiene items and taking them to the family's new home, generally an apartment.

Each member of the family will receive one towel, one pillow, one dish/bowl, one set of utensils, toothbrush, etc. so unless it's a family of 6 or more, putting these items away goes pretty quickly. Then the moving van shows up with box springs, mattresses, dining table and chairs and a couch. We put the beds together and arrange a few other things and that's about it. Took all of about 1 1/2 hours and it's exciting to think about what those folks coming from a refugee camp will think when they walk in that door and actually lay down on a real, comfortable bed. :)

This Friday, my friend Beth and I are going to the refugee center's Global Gala Auction and Benefit. Great music, a little wine, maybe some neat art...I can't wait.

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