Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tea for Hope

OK...homelessness is definitely not something to toast to and it surely isn't a topic regularly discussed over ladies' luncheons and tea but hold on to your hats 'cause Hope Ministries is changing all that.

On May 9, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the West Des Moines Sheraton, Hope Ministries is hosting its sixth annual Hearts for Hope Women's Tea and Luncheon. (http://www.hopeiowa.org/events/heartofhope.php)
Along with tea and lunch, a presentation will be given by Mary Kay Mueller. Mary Kay is an author, performer and winner of the Heartland Hero Award. Once a victim of abuse, Mueller spent time in a domestic violence shelter, but out of her despair learned life-changing insights she now shares with thousands around the world. Mueller brings her strong faith and wisdom to every presentation! Her first book, Taking Care of Me: The Habits of Happiness discuss challenges that made her "not bitter, but better." In addition to her presentation at the Hearts for Hope Women's Tea, Mueller will perform selections from her award winning music CD.

I will be "sponsoring" a table and already have a few people down to sit with me, learn about the plight of homeless women and hopefully raise a few bucks for the the organization's Hope Family Center, a long-term residential and life recovery center for homeless mothers and children

Last year, the event brought in over 650 women and raised more than $113,000 in support of the women and children at our Hope Family Center.

If you want a seat at my table, drop me an email or if you want to host a table too (it's free) contact Melissa Tagg, event coordinator, at (515) 265-7272, ext. 104, or info@hopeiowa.org.

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