Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MLK Day of Service

Of course, I had to participate in some way to mark such a significant day, only made more significant by the following day...today...Inauguration Day for the much-esteemed Barack Obama. So exciting.

Anyway, yesterday my charity of choice was the Des Moines Area Religious Council (http://www.dmreligious.org/) held a food drive at the State Historical Building before leading a march to the capital. As you can see below, I cleaned out a bit of my pantry and handed over the goods to Nate Baggett (right) and Scot Syroka (left) who were volunteering their time on behalf of ... doh, I didn't quite get the name of the organization. It was something to do with the presidential campaign.

Anyway, I got on the scene about 7:25 and the food drive had started at 7 p.m. By the time I got there, they'd already filled the beds of two trucks with 60 boxes of food!

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