Monday, January 26, 2009

Plugging along

Well, this was a busy weekend. Went to a lovely art exhibit opening (and bought a small print). The younger brother had his 30th birthday back in our hometown on Saturday. And I had an afternoon full of shoveling and errands to run so I didn't get a lot of time to press on with my project. I did get a few more of the Iowa Donor Network's pins done.

Today, I just ran across this...Making Valentine's Day Cards for Dogs, Saturday, Feb. 7, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Coordinated by Raccoon Valley Animal Shelter ( and Dogs Deserve Better, the card making event works to liberate dogs who live their lives tied up to the end of a chain or rope. I'll be working at the PetCo on Buffalo Road in Clive from 1-3 p.m. Come get a great card and if you're brave enough, see what it feels like to be be chained for a while.

With more snow on the way, I'm sure I'll make some more headway on the pins.
s'all for now,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MLK Day of Service

Of course, I had to participate in some way to mark such a significant day, only made more significant by the following Day for the much-esteemed Barack Obama. So exciting.

Anyway, yesterday my charity of choice was the Des Moines Area Religious Council ( held a food drive at the State Historical Building before leading a march to the capital. As you can see below, I cleaned out a bit of my pantry and handed over the goods to Nate Baggett (right) and Scot Syroka (left) who were volunteering their time on behalf of ... doh, I didn't quite get the name of the organization. It was something to do with the presidential campaign.

Anyway, I got on the scene about 7:25 and the food drive had started at 7 p.m. By the time I got there, they'd already filled the beds of two trucks with 60 boxes of food!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Number two and possibly three

Really cookin' on 40 for 40. I just finished making some "tickets" for a fund-raising wine tasting event to benefit Waukee Rotary ( My friend Wendy is on the board as chair of fund-raising.

I also met a new friend today, arranged by my old friend and mentor, Linda Schreiber. New friend is Jeni Hanselman and other than being a mom and working at WB Capital Management, she has long been involved in Iowa Women's Foundation ( Iowa Women's Foundation is the only statewide grant giving group designated to improve the lives of Iowa women and girls through the power of philanthropy, advocacy and collaboration.

Jeni and Linda have both been board members for many years. Over lunch, Jeni was telling me that IWF has a great following over in the eastern part of Iowa and has allocated a lot of their funds to far western Iowa but knowledge of the group and their mission is not well-known throughout the central area. That's one area I will be helping with. By the way, they are looking for additional board members. :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


For quite sometime I volunteered with Lutheran Social Services of Iowa's Refugee Cooperative Center. I took some time to teach ESL classes and then mentored a family from Tanzania. I still assist in doing some donation drives and just learned of a special drive they are doing in commemoration of the great Martin Luther King. See the flyer below.

As part of my 40 for 40...I will offer up my services this weekend to come and pick up anything you might want to contribute. Either email or call me or post a comment if you would like me to pick anything that you might think would serve these families.

This week alone a family of 4 with two sons ages 2 and 3 and a grandmother and granddaughter all from Iraq will be relocating to Iowa. Folks at the center estimate that upwards of 50 families or more will be making Iowa their new home this year.

Visit them here:

Donation Drive
Lutheran Services in Iowa
Refugee Cooperative Services
January 19, 2009
3200 University Ave

Refugee Cooperative Services is in need of items for apartment set-ups of newly arriving refugee families. You can drop off donated items at the refugee community center and enjoy a treat while learning more about RCS and our volunteer opportunities. You may drop off items anytime between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
There will also be an apartment set up taking place at 12:00 and other volunteers will be helping to clean and organize the community center.

Items needed include:
-liquid laundry detergent -razors
-laundry baskets -brooms
-pots, pans, teapots -landline telephones
-vegetable peelers -alarm clocks
-deodarant -garbage bags

If you have any questions please contact Ross or Jillian at 515-271-7332

Monday, January 12, 2009

First one down

Last night I picked up a box of pins from my friend Meg who works with Iowa Donor Network These pins need to be "undone" and then returned to IDN which is a pretty easy task considering it can be done in front of the television, however it is time consuming so I was glad to have the opportunity to help out such an important program.

Additionally, I came across this:
Cans for Kids is a can and bottle drive, with all proceeds being used to pay for ingredients for Kids Against Hunger of Des Moines. Recyclable cans and bottles that qualify for a deposit refund in the state of Iowa are being collected at Holmes Automotive Group at I-80/35 and Hickman Road. The bin will remain there indefinitely to help raise funds for meal ingredients. For each bottle or can we sort we get 5 cents per can, which all goes to Kids Against Hunger of Des Moines. In 2008 we raised $7,000, which is 28,000 meals to help starving children.

I know a lot of folks who let their bottles and cans pile up in their garage and I will gladly offer my time and car to come and take them away for you. Just let me know!

Oh, and I got my "application" from Iowa Public Television to assist in their spring fund drive.

Monday, January 5, 2009

In just one day...

Hi all,
In just a matter of one day and about 25 emails, I have four possible charities...all so varied and very personal. First, my mom suggested volunteering during the Iowa Public Television fundraiser telethon because as she puts it "...IPTV is catnip for the brain." Check it out,

"Purrrfect!" I thought. "I had been meaning to check that out."

Then a friend who has personally witnessed how unbelievable Hospice programs are suggested the Iowa Hospice-Ottumwa I'm hoping there is a weekend day event I can volunteer at or perhaps write something for their newsletter or press release.

Another dear friend living up north who recently rediscovered yoga told me about a school for girls in India that she has learned of through her "ashram". I have yet to get the details about the school but one thing I know I can do is something I read about in the book "Eat, Pray, Love". There is a theory that when practicing your daily yoga routine you dedicate that time and energy to a certain specified thing...your baby nephew, world peace, your dog...whatever. I can work that one in but once I find out more details about the school, I'll be checking in with them and post about the school here for you too.

Anyone else?? Anyone?

OH...another one just came in from my dear friend and mentor Linda Schreiber...the Iowa Women's Can't wait to hear from them!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

40 for 40

Well, the holidays have passed but instead of being blue, I am completely excited and commited to a "new year resolution." My mom (so kindly) brought up that this year will be a milemarker year with both my younger brother turning 30 and myself turning 40.

Meh...I said to 40. I've been telling people I was 40 for the past two years (mostly to get used to the concept of saying so and also to elicit comments such as "Wow, you're 40?!")

Well, now the time is here...I will be 40. So, in celebration of my 40 years on this earth, and in celebration of all the fantastic people I have met and befriended, AND in celebration of all that is yet to come, here is my birthday wish...

I will commit to supporting/contributing/donating to 40 different charities (ideally by Aug. 1 -aka date of birth) and keeping up a weekly journal-blog of my "adventures". My hope is to spread karma-ic wealth, get to know some of you even better and also expand my friend database to invite to the August celebration.

What I am asking of you, my dear family and friends
a.) think of one or two organizations or civic charities that you are personally endowed to -- whether local to Des Moines or other city, or one that is national or international that I might be able to contribute time or funds to
b.) let me know contact information or how you think I might contact the organization to volunteer/donate in your honor/friendship
c.) you have to contribute your thoughts prior to party planning...and trust me you don't want to miss Lagniappe's back deck in late summer OR the opportunity help the organization of your choice.

Oddly enough, I can not wait to turn 40.

Hoping to post updates weekly. Stay tuned.