Friday, March 27, 2009

Walk Now for Autism...and more

Just a really quick post before my thoughts get too scattered.

I met with the Walk Now for Autism (Iowa Chapter) ( on Monday. What a great group of people...and one gent there was someone I use to wait on back in my bartending days at Thumbs! Our three-person public relations team is meeting on Monday to come up with a plan of attack. Meanwhile on Saturday, my nephew has his fourth birthday and I'll be dropping of flyers and donation cards at Playground for Kids in Ankeny. Hopefully, since so many kids on the autism spectrum often go to "bounce houses" and the like, Playground for Kids will consider a sponsorship for the event. June 13 at Valley High School Stadium in West Des Moines.

I also received my first two installments of a book I am volunteering to help "edit" and give input to. It is on mudras - those meditative finger holds used in yogic practices. Should be interesting!

And this isn't really "volunteer" but I received word that I am signed up for a plot at a community garden near my house. It's 10' x 15' I'm sure, if it's successful, there will be some food donations this summer.

Oh, and last but not least, the Refugee Cooperative Services Global Gala is tonight! Can't bid on anything in the auction but the entertainment should be great! I'm pretty sure one of my faves is going to be there ...the Isiserettes (

Monday, March 23, 2009

Last minute, but what the heck

Last Thursday, Elizabeth with the Refugee Cooperative Services ( put out a desperate plea to get more people to put together two apartment for incoming families, I believe from Iraq. "Putting together apartments" generally involves a team of 2-3 volunteers who meet at the center to pick up towels, linens, pots, pans, dishes, silverware, cleaning supplies and hygiene items and taking them to the family's new home, generally an apartment.

Each member of the family will receive one towel, one pillow, one dish/bowl, one set of utensils, toothbrush, etc. so unless it's a family of 6 or more, putting these items away goes pretty quickly. Then the moving van shows up with box springs, mattresses, dining table and chairs and a couch. We put the beds together and arrange a few other things and that's about it. Took all of about 1 1/2 hours and it's exciting to think about what those folks coming from a refugee camp will think when they walk in that door and actually lay down on a real, comfortable bed. :)

This Friday, my friend Beth and I are going to the refugee center's Global Gala Auction and Benefit. Great music, a little wine, maybe some neat art...I can't wait.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 was a gas

So I drive all the way down to the southwest side to the Des Moines Parks and Recreation Greenhouse for the Transplant the Tropics project ( and I am briefed by Steve, another volunteer, about how to take tiny dusty millers apart from long rows and replant them into a bit larger plastic bins. I ponder aloud wondering if my dusty millers will come back from last year and another volunteer, Mallita (I think), says she doesn't know but she thinks they are annuals. "Ah well," I say, "they probably died from my dog peeing on them."

A fourth volunteer at our table then asks, "Do you live on Adams?"

"I do," I reply, wait a few beats wondering how she would know that and then ask.

Turns out, the woman, Renate, is my next door neighbor. After 4 years of occasionally seeing her from a distance, we actually finally meet at a greenhouse 10 miles from our homes. Crazy, huh!

The two hour stint went by quickly and I had a pretty fun group. The project continues through early May and it looks like there's plenty of work to do. It was super warm outside that day and even warmer in the greenhouse plus the atmosphere was beautiful. We got to walk around and look at all the other plants that will be going in pots around downtown and along boulevards and street side. I got a few ideas for some plants that I'll be looking for to put in pots in my back yard.

Turns out that I actually got paid a moratorium for the Iowa Arts Council ( grant application review, so that kind of makes it not volunteer. So, I decided I'd use the $100 I got to renew my membership with the Des Moines Art Center ( and Iowa Public Radio ( Seems a fair trade!

Last night I started a little early spring cleaning and went through my books and CDs to donate to the Planned Parenthood Spring Book Sale March 26-30 ( It's nice to lighten my load and help out at the same time. Problem is...I already picked up another 5-6 CDs last weekend and will more than like fill out more books in the near future. Oh well.

I'm hoping I can drop off those books and CDs tonight on my way to an orientation meeting for the Hearts for Hope Women's Tea (

Then I'm "off" for a few days and I'm actually going to treat myself to a spring vacation and go to a salon and get a detox body wrap. Never had that done.

Until next week...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Grant reviewing is interesting!

Well, I spent all day Wednesday reading a total of 22 grant applications submitted by artists and groups and educators. The grant program is through the Iowa Arts Council ( It was quite illuminating! There's a lot more going on out there than I thought. I only recognized one or two names involved with any of those projects. And, I got a really good idea about how to do/write grant applications -- it could come in handy sometime. After a panel of 3 of us all reviewed the applications (which they do about once a month), we have another half day of discussion and the grants are rated numerically based on the numbers we assign them and then averaged. The council then goes back and does a bit more statistical analysis, drafts up some encouraging and also helpful notes to the grant author and those at the top of the list will get the funds requested until the money runs out.

Then, today I received an email from a group I belong to - Iowa Outdoors Unlimited ( and there was a notice seeking volunteer land stewards for the Whiterock Conservancy ( I know this area because my mom has told me about it and it is nearby (Coon Rapids) but I have yet to get there. Essentially, a volunteer land steward commits to visiting a specified area of the 4300 acre land trust at least four times a year hiking around and gathering "indispensable information relating to the protection and health of the land." And get this...I can take Koda (my dog) with me! AND I also get a free education in conservation and habitat restoration. How cool is that! I'll have to take photos. Orientation takes place June 13 so it should be really interesting to get pictures of all the different seasons. (OOOO I think I know what I'll use for a holiday card in 2010.)

A little more on the Whiterock was previously known as the Garst Farm Resort. The Garsts still maintain the land but have turned the area into a nonprofit land trust dedicated to "conserving and protecting Iowa’s natural resources, demonstrating sustainable rural land management, and engaging the public with the environment through outdoor recreation and education."

I also thankfully remembered to send in a check for the Global Gala for the Refugee Cooperative Services fundraiser on March 27.

Oh, and I want to add...I'm also using some of my marketing/graphic design skills to help out another good friend with her position in a chapter very well-known national organization, but that one will remain a bit of a secret for now.

That's all for now. I'll check in next week with news on "Transplanting the Tropics" or in other words, prepping flowers for Des Moines Parks & Rec community beautification.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Better than expected

Well, I went to IPTV on Sunday afternoon and was in such a rush I forgot to get my seat belt on. Fortunately the officer who stopped me was empathetic and let me go right away with just a warning.

And I was reticent at first regarding my volunteering as a phone answerer during IPTV's Festival Fundraiser (, mostly because when I saw the shifts were 6 and 7 hours, I thought, "Crimanetly, I better be able to bring a book." I turned on the channel and watched for a bit and I just saw people sitting at the phones waiting patiently, no one was doing anything else and I thought, "OMG, I'm gonna be bored out of my skull."

On the contrary, volunteers are only at the phones for about 15 minutes, then the station returns to programming and you are free to do whatever. Fortunately, I took along another project -- the separating of pin and backing for the Iowa Donor Network (

Anyway, volunteering for IPTV was my mom's suggestion, and true to form, she was the first one to call in on the 4-10 shift. A woman two seats down answered and, again true to form, my mom asked if she could talk to me. (If I were 14, I probably would have died of embarassment. Instead, the woman and I swapped seats and the other 25 volunteers or so, yucked it up for the rest of the night about it.)

I took quite a few calls, one even calling from Omaha. And because of the programming schedule, I was reminded of how much I like John Denver. Might have to get that CD they were touting.

The other unexpected I was doing the Iowa Donor pins, several other volunteers stopped by and I explained what I was doing and one gent, Norm Carlson a medical tech and there representing Sons of Norway, suggested I look into volunteering at Blank Children's Hospital or Amanda the Panda.

Not clear on what Amanda the Panda was, I looked it up on Google. (No, I didn't not google it because technically that's not a word ;P) WOW, how fitting! The organization is dedicated to helping grieving children and family members following the death of a family member. (I say it is fitting because as a child, my family lost my older brother Chris at the age of 7.)

So, I filled out the online volunteer form and within the day heard from the director. I'll be meeting with her and a couple of marketing interns on Friday, April 3 to discuss how I can help in spreading the word about the group and possibly helping out on a couple of events.

More later!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

March will really get me going

Wow! This volunteer thing has really picked up. Finally almost complete with the bios for the Iowa Women's Foundation and then need to work on a short history for their Web site, It was good to see my dear friend Linda just last week.

This Sunday, I make good on my mom's request. I'll be answering phones from 4 to 10 p.m. at the Iowa Public Television ( fund drive.

Wednesday and Thursday, March 11-12 I'll be taking two days off and working on reviewing Iowa Arts Council ( mini-grant applications. We'll only be working 1/2 the day on Thursday so I'm hoping the nice weather sticks around.

I'm currently doing an inner-office collection of old cell phones and printer cartridges to drop off at the Petco in Clive. This, in some way I'm not quite sure, is part of the Raccoon Valley Animal Society ( spring donation drive. They are calling it their St. Patrick's Day Going Green Drive. They are also taking soda cans and plastic recyclable bottles at both Des Moines Petco locations.

Sunday, March 15 I get an early taste of spring working in the Des Moines Parks and Recreation greenhouse for Transplant the Tropics ( The program has volunteers prep flowers and plants for transplant in public places throughout the city. So excited to see my own flowers grow. Maybe I'll learn a little something too.

The evening of March 18 I have an orientation about being a table host for the Hearts for Hope Women's Tea ( I volunteered to host a table and round up 10 other women for a luncheon and presentation and hopefully raise a few bucks for the Hope Family Center. I'm also suggesting that my guests bring women's hygiene products as I know the center is in constant need of such items.

On Tuesday, March 24 I have my first meeting with the committee planning the June 13 Walk Now for Austism ( I'll be helping out with marketing and public relations. (I also emailed all Iowa senators and representatives asking that they support the autism insurance reform legislation currently on the state's agenda.)

And finally, last but not least, Friday, March 27 -- this should be fun -- is the Refugee Cooperative Services Global Gala. Tapas, beverages, cultural entertainment and an auction...can't wait. Anyone can go. It runs from 7 to 11 p.m. and takes place at 601 Grand Ave. in Des Moines. Cost is $50/person. Sorry no web site.

Oh and I should mention, with a portion of my tax refund, I will be honoring my friend Patti's request and "doing" something for the Hospice of Ottumwa, Iowa ( They took very good care of her dear mother when she needed it so I will be making a donation in her honor.

Well, that kind of puts a pretty good dent in 40 for 40. This post alone is at least 9 and I think all total, I'm up to 12 -- keep in mind, I'm counting events as opposed to organizations...there are bound to be repeats like the animal society or Hope Ministries, etc.