Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back in motion

Well, it's been a little bit...I kind of slacked off after September when I realized I'd already logged at least 35 different organizations/charity events and I still had the whole of the holidays looming ahead. I might actually make it 50 volunteer episodes in my 40th year!

Anyway, got a two-fer on Saturday, Nov. 7. I helped out at the Animal Lifeline of Iowa's annual auction ( and I made a few purchases. Actually got quite a bit of holiday shopping done.

Also, recruited a couple people to fill up the back my car with donations for Pet Project Midwest. It's a new venture started by a past acquaintance and a good friend of mine at work. The group started out by kicking off with an Iowa Pet Alert using Twitter an amber alert type manner. The thoughts grew into offering extended space in the form of foster homes for overcrowded shelters. Transportation to help pets get from one shelter to their final destination is another service. They are also going to stock the Pet Pantry to help those families facing hardship. (Pets are often given up when a family is running out of money or has to move to place that doesn't allow pets.) The Pet Pantry is evolving and it might also provide items for adopted pets resettling in their new home. There's no website yet -- that's coming in January. Meanwhile, they are on Facebook.

And, last but not least, the first of the food drives has kicked off in my office. We'll be helping out Combat Hunger ( again this year. I started it a week early and have been really surprised at how well people are "remembering" to bring items in. We've already got one full box and another week yet to go.

Until the next time!