Wednesday, June 24, 2009

When you're hot; you're hot

This weekend ought to be a blistering one. Just perfect weather to spend hours outside volunteering :). On Friday night, I'll be holding down the fort at the Nurture a Student's Vision booth at the Des Moines Arts Festival ( My job will be to help people find the artwork created by specified children.

Sunday, the Miracle League ( has several make-up games due to cancellations because of excessive heat. I kind of doubt the weather is going to back off much until September, but I promised to go help out at 5 p.m.

Managed to make a trip to St. Vincent de Paul's ( to drop off some househould tchotkes. St. Vincent's is one of my favorite places to donate...very easy drop off and they actually offer vouchers to shelter men and women in need of clothing and other amenities.

Last but not least -- and this could be the coolest -- I might be helping out Animal Lifeline of Iowa ( by adopting one of the sweetest dogs, Keno. I met him last week along with Koda and all went well. We're just waiting to see/hear if the pilot who flew Keno up to Iowa from Texas is going to take him home.

Pray for humidity relief!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Picking back up again

Well the Walk Now for Autism ( was a big success (although it was quite chilly in the a.m.) 2,500 walkers and about $157,000 raised. That was kind of a bigger project so I'm looking forward to some smaller ones.

Last night, I raided the toy and trinket aisles at Dollar Tree and got about 20 items (stickers, baby socks, puzzles, balls, etc.) for my sister's friend Bo who is traveling to Korea later this week. She is going and visiting the orphanage that she once lived in and is taking a variety of items for the kids. I know Tierney threw in some coloring books and such.

Saturday is my first day at the new Miracle League baseball park ( I hope I get to be a "buddy" instead of working the concession stand AND that's it's not as humid as it has been.

Only July 2, I'll be going to the Des Moines Symphony Yankee Doodle Pops viewing party ( I went last year as a guest of one of the board members and it was a lot of fun hanging out on the terrace of the State Historical Museum watching fireworks. I'll also be making a donation to the group.

And last but not least, I finally found a hands-on animal group that I can volunteer for...Animal Lifeline of Iowa ( A co-worker and my dentist are both volunteers and they assure me its not depressing and sad. It's a no-kill shelter and some of the pets stay there all their lives. I'm totally in love with this guy tho ( He might have to come home with me.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Volunteering outdoors

Well, the garden didn't get started off so well. All my seeds and little seedlings gave way to weeds. But Tara (garden next to mine) filled me in on how to do it a bit better. Spent about 8 hours last weekend and a few this week and it is up and running. And as one older woman said, "Some people spend $100s on these gardens for $10 worth of produce."

I hit my nephew's last Bam Bam baseball game last weekend and then made my way down to the new Miracle League Ballpark ( to sign up to help out during a few games. That should be a lot of fun.
Meanwhile, I've been sending out press releases for the June 13 Walk Now for Autism ( My office is donating the last 6 months of our internal fundraising money to the Southeast Polk team. We're going to make our fundraising goal! On the other hand, I have yet to figure out a time to be able to volunteer onsite much less do the walk as Koda needs to have a laser in the a.m. Also looking into at least one time to volunteer at the Des Moines Arts Festival ( I'm thinking either monitoring the Sculpture Park or Nurturing a Student's Vision. This year's festival has a lot of interactive stuff going on. Very hands on.
And one last thing...I'm going to add this to the 40 for 40 list even though it's a bit indirect. My next door neighbor endured about 3 months of hell -- his wife walked out and took everything with her and about 6 weeks later his father, though ill, died unexpectedly. (The divorce thing is still going on and grieving takes awhile.) Anyway, after 3.5 years of living there actually talked to him more than an occasional hello. He was really bumming -- feeling lost and hopeless about what to do with his time and how to develop a new social network (and not a virtual one as he is more include to do). We got to talking about one area that I knew had a soft spot ... kids. I mentioned that he should sign up for Big Brothers Big Sisters ( and he lit up! Now, it's one thing to mention it but I've checked back in with him every few days to see how it's going because becoming an approved volunteer with BB/BS is no easy it should be. But he's carried it all the way out. Even had his niece and mom help him in cleaning up the house, fixing up his back yard, etc. He's totally excited and there's something like 300 kids on the BB/BS waiting list in Des Moines alone. He'll be great, he's just eager to get started. AND I think he'll meet some of the other volunteers through the program and voila...some new peer-aged friends too.
I should also mention the Boys and Girls Club to him too. Hmmm...I might have to look into it too. (
Until next time!