Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spring is here

Well, it's been about a week-and-a-half since I planted my organic garden at the Franklin Community Gardens. I have a hardy crop of crab grass and creeping charlie coming up. I was hoping to do some weeding this evening but I have an Autism Walks meeting.

Speaking of, this past Saturday was the kick off for the June 13 walk. Registrants picked up their info packets at Merle Hay Cinema and then were treated to a viewing of "Autism: The Musical" - an HBO documentary that came out of The Miracle Project (http://www.themiracleproject.org/). Definitely, spot-on in profiling the diversity of the disability but also demonstrating the finer points that bind this group together. I swear, I don't know how that woman (Elaine Hall) figured out how to get such a performance out of these kids. BTW: One of the kids in the movie is the son of music producer Stephen Stills. I guess Jack Black and one of the kids have a cut coming out on a new CD this summer called, "Fly: Into the World of Autism".

Also this past weekend, I wrapped up my duties/favor to the Waukee Rotary Club. I did most of their print promotional materials for their annual fundraising auction. Not a great turn out, but everything was sold. I got a killer tool set.

This coming weekend...a simple, but fun one...pouring beer at the May 2 Cinco de Mayo celebration in Valley Junction (http://www.valleyjunction.com/index.cfm?nodeID=10062&action=detail&eventid=19940)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A few more to add to the tally

Well, I made my pledge to Iowa Public Radio and renewed my members to the Autism Speaks as well as the Iowa Chapter. (This weekend - Sat., Apri 25 - is the kick off for the registration of teams for the Walk Now for Autism June 13. I'm on the public relations committee and did press releases and spread them all over the state. The kick off includes sign up but then a showing of a documentary called "Autism: The Musical" www.autismthemusical.com. BTW: There's still time to register yourself to walk or a team: http://www.walknowforautism.org/faf/home/ccp.asp?ievent=289038&lis=1&kntae289038=3E7DB898D47B42BE9FAE90062DD76F72&ccp=81948)

This past weekend, a crew of two finished replacing the windows in my house putting a definite dent in my personal carbon footprint. And, my neighbor who has been very involved in ASPCA, requested a donation, so I also supported that.

This coming weekend also includes the Waukee Rotary Auction for which I did all their promotional materials and that will be that until May 9 at the Heart for Hope Tea.

Until then,